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Lovely Lady Spray

Regular price $10.00

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only -180 left in stock

Lovely Lady Spray is a pH balancer/freshening up spray for yoni health. Perfect to use for after shower, before the gym, during your cycle, before a wax, during delivery, or throughout the day to freshen up! The oils inside are known to relieve itching, odor, and have antibiotic/antifungal properties.

Pro Tip: Can be used on both men and women. Pairs well with Lovely Lady Wash 

To Use: Spray desired amount onto privates to help balance ph and obtain an odor free v.


Made With:  Pure Distilled Lavender Water, Pure Rose Water, Organic Witch Hazel, Organic Aloe Vera.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program.

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Here at Lavender Thorne you will find the owners working daily in the kitchen, on shipments, and local deliveries. We pride ourselves in excellent customer service. If you are ever unsatisfied please contact us. We would love to make it right.


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