Lavender Thorne

Two "Crunchy Momma's"!
Lavender Thorne was created from two "Crunchy Momma's" with the same mission. We believe in ALL-NATURAL products that are safe, non-toxic and highly effective for you and your loved ones. We also believe that you shouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg for these REAL products with REAL ingredients. Yes REAL ingredients! Every product list the ingredients so you can know what you are using, there is no hidden ingredients here, just 100% natural!
We also want to help spread the love of Jesus!! We want to encourage YOU daily, using the platform God has given us, social media posts, product labels and from one on one conversations and connections. Our prayer is that these products minister not only to your body but also your soul. We want you to know how much you are loved by the one who died to know you, Jesus!
We are blessed beyond measure by you and those around us and hope that our products bless you and bring you a renewed faith in God.
Cassidy Lavender
Hey Y'all! My name is Cass! I have a house full with 3 boys! Jack, Declan, and the newest addition, baby Foster! They are a handful, but truly are my greatest blessings! (Hands-full = Heart-full!) I wouldn't have it any other way!
My natural journey started with my momma. She taught me from a young age to watch what I was putting into my body and think about my health. I learned so many home remedies from her and I still use them today! Tho she is no longer with us, she planted a seed in me to always strive to be a better me!
When I met Jordan, we clicked and she helped water the seeds that mother had already planted. We have so much fun making and testing products for all our customers! We also believe that our business is a ministry first. Not only do we want to share these natural products with you but also the love of Jesus! This business is a creative outlet for us to give back and help those around us. We can't wait to hear your story and get to know YOU!
Love, Cass

Isaiah 49:16
"YOU are engraved on His hands"

Jordan Thornton
Hi! My name is Jordan, I am a mom of five wonderful babes. Noah, Cylas, Maggie, Emmett, and Sunny.
My journey started after the birth of my first son back in 2012. After having a scare with a lump in my breast, which turned out to be nothing, praise Jesus! I started reevaluating the products I was using and that put me on the path to find a more natural way.
I started by making my own deodorant, and one thing lead to the next and soon I was making Elderberry Syrup for people at church. It was there at Vessel Church that I met Cass. We bonded over the love for natural products, thus Lavender Thorne was born! We have spent so many hours creating new recipes and products that we know you will love as much as we do!
1 Corinthians 16:14:
“Do everything in love."
The Lavender Family
Price, Cass, Jack, Declan and Foster
"Daddy is on the worship band at church. Our favorite thing to do is have worship nights at the piano as a family. This happens just about every night!"
The Thornton Family
Noah, Sunny(being held) Jeremy, Emmett, Jordan, Maggie(being held) and Cylas Thornton.
"Being outside together as a family is one of our favorite activities."

We pray you love our products as much as we do!
You can guarantee we will continue to make all natural products for you and your family!