Healing Hands

".. They will lay hands on the sick, and they WILL recover.” Mark 16:18
To Use: Apply topically as needed.
Core Ingredients:
Copaiba *Copaiba essential oil has analgesic properties. It contains a potent anti-inflammatory compound.
Turmeric *Turmeric oil may help support a healthy nervous system, as well as cellular function.
Ginger *Ginger essential oil can rapidly relieve pain, swelling, and discomfort on joints or other sore areas on the body.
Peppermint *Peppermint is known to reduce muscle and joint pain, reduces stress, relieves spasms, improves blood circulation & more.
Cayenne *appears to work by blocking pain signals and may ease many types of chronic pain when applied regularly to the skin.
Made With: Organic Avocado Oil , Pure Vitamin E, Wintergreen, Copaiba, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Clove, Lavender, Cayenne, Helichrysum, Ginger, Turmeric Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils.
Why was this product created?
When I was in college I was prophesied over and over by different people that God was going to use me for something bigger than I could image. That I had healing hands and the gift of healing.. It was so encouraging to have people and even strangers help me find and exercise the gifts of the spirit and praying for others to be healed in Jesus name! From something so little as a headache to a life diagnosis turn around. I’ve seen miracles upon miracles upon miracles, not only in my life, but in sooo many others. He is so good friend! I believe that the fullness of Christ is for everyone! If you believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior, YOU have the King of the universe, the same raise the dead spirit living on the inside of you! If you pray in His name and truly believe, it will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Sometimes healing isn’t always the same or it’s not exactly how we want it to look.. but He is a wonder-working God, our healer and He wants you well.
".. They will lay hands on the sick, and they WILL recover.” Mark 16:18
We pray that you know the King of the universe who lives on the inside of you. He wants you well, and so do we. We pray that this oil is merely a reminder of His love for you. It isn't by accident that you are purchasing this bottle. He loves you and wants you well. Lay down your burdens and receive His healing. AS HE IS SO ARE YOU IN THIS WORLD! Speak life to the hurting areas in your body because He is THE miracle worker on your behalf! May God BLESS you in abundance! BE WELL IN JESUS NAME!
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program.

God First
Our mission at Lavender Thorne is to be the hands and feet of Jesus & bring the word into as many homes as possible.

Hands On
Here at Lavender Thorne you will find the owners working daily in the kitchen, on shipments, and local deliveries. We pride ourselves in excellent customer service. If you are ever unsatisfied please contact us. We would love to make it right.

We pride ourselves on our handpicked ingredients, quality of products and original recipes.