Salty - Throat Gargle

Salty - Sinus & Allergy Throat Gargle
"You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.” Matthew 5:13-16
Our allergy and sinus gargle offers numerous benefits! By using organic and therapeutic grade ingredients, Salty provides a gentle, yet effective solution for relieving sinus and allergy symptoms. This formula not only helps clear nasal passages, but promotes sinus drainage and helps reduce inflammation to soothe irritated nasal passages. With Salty, you can experience the relief from allergies and sinus congestion! Enjoy!
Anti-fungal + Anti-bacterial + Anti-viral
Pro Tip: Pair with Elderberry and Just Breathe
TO USE: Shake well. Add 1-2 tablespoons to 1/2 cup of warm water. Gargle for 15-30 seconds, spit (do not swallow) and repeat as needed.
MADE WITH: Distilled Water, Himalayan Salt, Oregano Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program.

God First
Our mission at Lavender Thorne is to be the hands and feet of Jesus & bring the word into as many homes as possible.

Hands On
Here at Lavender Thorne you will find the owners working daily in the kitchen, on shipments, and local deliveries. We pride ourselves in excellent customer service. If you are ever unsatisfied please contact us. We would love to make it right.

We pride ourselves on our handpicked ingredients, quality of products and original recipes.